Before going to any public ceremony in the hermitage, please call the person in charge of the visits (505.569.4405) so that we know when to open the door and how many will join us to the Agape after the Divine Liturgy. Also, it could happen that there were changes in the hours of the trades or important updates about the atmospheric conditions and the state of the roads, so it is important that you call in advance.
Our provisional chapel is handicapped accessible.
Sunday Trades:
Hours: 0830 (8:30 AM)
Divine Liturgy: 0900 (9:00 AM)
After Sunday offices, you are all welcome to stay for the broth, bread, coffee, and tea.
Saturday Trades:
Great Eve: 1700 (5:00 PM)
Confessions: after Great Eve .
Weekly trades: (normally not open to the public)
Daily eves: 15 minutes before sunset.
Full daily: In private, in the monk’s cell.
Holidays trades:
As announced.
Please note that: we celebrate following the Julian Calendar.
Ceremonies in memory of the Deceased:
Every Friday after Vespers, or by request.
Cuando visiten la Ermita por favor vistan con modestia como corresponde a la dignidad de su Santo Bautismo. Por favor respeten a los Hermanos de la Santa Ermita y su lucha mediante un comportamiento conscientemente modesto y respetuoso junto con una sincera reverencia a causa de este sagrado lugar en el desierto. Esta Ermita está situada en un desierto–muy caluroso en verano y frio en invierno. Es mejor vestir solo con fibras naturales, un buen sombrero, calcetines de algodón, y zapatos que puedan protegerles de las espinas de los cactus. Use varias capas de ropa durante invierno.